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Hudson County Criminal Attorney
Bhatt Law Group has criminal defense attorneys available who specialize in all types of criminal offenses. If there are criminal charges pending against you, then we’d like to invite you to discuss them with us. We offer free consultations with all new potential clients who are scouting for legal representation.
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Do you need a criminal attorney in Hudson County, New Jersey? Bhatt Law Group can help.
Hudson County is the fourth most populous county in all of New Jersey. A 2018 Census indicates that Hudson County has an estimated 676,061 people living there. This number continues to rise fast because it is one of New Jersey’s fastest-growing counties.
With such a growing population, we’ve had the opportunity to represent a number of clients over the years who’ve faced criminal charges for a variety of offenses. Some of these charges have involved violent assaults, traffic violations, sex crimes, restraining order violations, DUIs, illegal gun possession, theft, threats, traffic violations and other crimes.
Criminal charges are always serious no matter how big or small they may be. If you’ve already been arrested in Hudson County because of criminal charges that were filed against you, then don’t wait for another second to obtain the services of a qualified criminal attorney. In fact, you should not even give any statements to the police without legal counsel present That is your right under the law.
Bhatt Law Group has criminal defense attorneys available who specialize in all types of criminal offenses. If there are criminal charges pending against you, then we’d like to invite you to discuss them with us. We offer free consultations with all new potential clients who are scouting for legal representation.
The Effects of a Criminal Conviction
You need the best criminal defense possible because your future hangs in the balance. A criminal conviction can change your life for the worst. Most people only think about the possibility of going to prison and how scary and uncomfortable that would be. Yes, it would be very unfortunate to receive a sentence that involved incarceration for any number of months or years.
However, incarceration is not even the worst of it. Just having a criminal conviction on your permanent record is enough to ruin your life forever. Let’s take a look at all the ways in which a criminal conviction will make the rest your life more difficult:
– Inability to Get Hired for a Job – Most employers don’t like to hire people with criminal records, especially if the job is a position of trust and power. The only job you could possibly get is a minimum wage job with no chance for advancement.
– Inability to Get a Loan – Lenders don’t like to approve loans for convicted criminals. They will see you as a huge financial risk.
– Inability to Start a Business – Depending on the type of business that you want to start, the local licensing authority may deny your request for a business license if you have a criminal conviction.
– Deportation – If you are an immigrant in the United States and you are convicted of a crime, then your immigration status will become greatly affected. You can expect to be deported if the offense was severe enough.
When you have criminal charges filed against you, the smartest thing you can do is hire a professional criminal attorney with a great track record of defending clients. Contact the Bhatt Law Group at (201) 798-8000 if you have any further questions.
What to Do After You’re Arrested
It is a scary experience to be arrested. You might have a dozen different thousands running through head about what’s going to happen to you. Do not let your fear cause you to make any more mistakes during this process. When the police officer gives your Miranda rights, they will tell you that “you have a right to remain silent” and “you have the right to an attorney.” Remember these two lines because they are important.
The police often perform scare tactics on criminal suspects. Their hope is that you will waive your right to an attorney and get scared into making a confession. It is always best to remain silent and speak with your attorney. You should only answer questions when your attorney is present. In this case, let that attorney by one of our experienced criminal attorneys. The police will let you make at least one phone call after you’re arrested, so let your call be to us at (201) 798-8000. We’ll have an attorney down at the police station as quickly as possible to represent you.
Things to Remember
– If you know that you’re guilty, do not just plead guilty on your own without a good defense attorney to guide you. Our experienced defense attorneys will try and negotiate a plea deal with the prosecution so that you can have a reduced sentence. If they don’t agree to a plea deal, then you must understand your other options clearly. We can explain your options to you and recommend the best one for you to take.
– Not all criminal cases end up going to trial. Sometimes the prosecution will drop the case if the evidence is insufficient or merely circumstantial. Criminal cases have gotten dismissed for these types of reasons before. Our defense attorneys will make a good argument on your behalf in the preliminary hearings.
– Bail may or may not be granted, depending on your criminal history and the severity of the charges pending against you. Sometimes the judge will release you without any bail amount being set. But if they do set a specific bail amount, you must pay it in full before you get released. If you don’t have the money in full, you can pay a bail bondsman 10% of the bail amount and put up collateral in exchange for them bailing you out.
We Handle Misdemeanor and Felony Cases
Bhatt Law Group can provide the best defense attorney possible for your misdemeanor or felony criminal case. We’ll go over the evidence, witness testimony, police reports, and circumstances of the case thoroughly.
As your defense attorney, anything you tell us in private remains confidential. We take attorney-client privilege seriously, so don’t worry about sharing all the details you can about the case. Defense attorneys don’t pass judgment about anything you may or may not have done. We are simply here to defend you in the best possible way.
Find out more by calling us at (201) 798-8000.
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